it looks like I'm stuck in a room. I don't know how I ended up here or why, I am just... here.
The room seems like it was under restoration; cupboards are randomly placed, books are everywhere, and the only clean spot is occupied by a single chair and a well-organized table.

There are a surprisingly huge amount of supplies (non-perishable food, water, etc. in a cupboard, which is next to a wall, fortunately), a rather big bucket, a mechanical pencil, pens, leads, ink cartridges (seemingly hundreds), and dozens of notebooks. It's like someone was to prepare to spend a long time in here. Except for the bucket; even though I haven't known why is that here, it didn't take much time to figure out. Yes, it is for *that*.
You may wonder how I'm able to write this down without any slur of hopeless cry for help. The secret is, I'm done with them.